What is NGO? Introducing Types of NGO

Author :

Naraghi's Charity

Date: :

ژوئن 24, 2024

what is NGO

What is an NGO? Introducing Types of NGOs

A non-governmental organization, or NGO, refers to organizations that operate independently from governments, with the primary goal of serving society, supporting human rights, promoting social, economic, and environmental development, and advancing democratic principles and social justice. These organizations are usually non-profit and are established and managed by private individuals or groups.


NGOs are typically formed to address gaps in society and operate in various fields, including education, healthcare, environmental protection, human rights, economic and social development, humanitarian aid, and other related areas.


Characteristics of NGOs

Characteristics of NGOs

The functions of these organizations are carried out through the implementation of various projects and programs. These projects help improve economic conditions, promote sustainable development, and enhance education and access to healthcare services. The social and humanitarian goals supported by these organizations are vast and fundamental.

NGOs have specific characteristics that distinguish them from other organizations. Here are some of these features:

  1. Non-profit Nature

One of the main characteristics of an NGO is that it operates on a non-profit basis. This means that its primary goal is not to generate financial profit but to serve society and achieve objectives aimed at improving social, economic, environmental, and human rights conditions.

  1. Independence from Government

An NGO operates independently from governments and governmental institutions. Although some may receive financial aid from governments, these organizations maintain their independence in decision-making and activities to effectively achieve their goals.


The Naraqi’s Charity, throughout its years of operation, has carried out effective actions such as providing educational and healthcare services to underprivileged areas, supporting orphaned and vulnerable children, and creating employment opportunities for those in need, all without government support.


  1. Volunteerism

A significant portion of the workforce in NGOs operates on a voluntary basis. This helps them reduce operational costs and allocate more resources to implementing their programs and projects.


  1. Humanitarian and Social Goals

NGOs are formed based on humanitarian and social goals, addressing issues such as human rights, sustainable development, environmental protection, improving health and education, reducing poverty and inequality, and promoting social justice.


  1. Transparency and Accountability

NGOs, often relying on public funds and donations, are obligated to provide transparent reports and be accountable to their donors and the community. This transparency helps maintain public trust in these organizations.


  1. Flexibility and Innovation

Due to their non-hierarchical structure and independence from governmental bureaucracies, NGOs can respond more quickly and flexibly to new problems and challenges. This characteristic allows them to innovate in their methods and programs.


  1. Specialization

Many NGOs specialize in specific fields and focus on particular issues. This specialization enables them to address relevant issues more deeply and effectively.


  1. Networking and Collaboration

NGOs tend to network and collaborate with other organizations, institutions, and individuals interested in similar topics. These collaborations can lead to the exchange of knowledge, resources, and experiences, thereby enhancing the impact of their activities.


Types of NGOs:

Types of NGOs

  • Community-based NGOs: Community-based NGOs usually operate locally within a specific community and address the specific issues and needs of that community. These organizations work in areas such as education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure development, and other local issues.
  • National NGOs: These organizations operate at the national level and typically address broader issues across the country. They may work in areas such as human rights, social policies, women’s and children’s support, and environmental protection.
  • International NGOs: International NGOs operate in multiple countries and typically address global issues such as human rights, humanitarian aid, climate change, sustainable development, and more. Well-known examples of such organizations include Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, and the Red Cross.
  • Environmental NGOs: Environmental NGOs focus on issues related to environmental protection, climate change, biodiversity conservation, and environmental sustainability. They often contribute to environmental protection through awareness campaigns, research, and practical projects.
  • Human Rights NGOs: These organizations focus on the promotion and protection of human rights and work in areas such as combating torture, supporting freedom of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, and refugee support.
  • Development NGOs: This category of organizations works towards the social and economic development of various communities. They engage in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, economic empowerment, and infrastructure development.

Role and Importance of NGOs:

Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in promoting social justice, sustainable development, environmental protection, and human rights. Through effective project implementation and community awareness campaigns, they can influence policies and laws, thereby contributing to improving the lives of individuals and communities.


Ultimately, NGOs facilitate community participation, strengthen capacities, and provide necessary services, playing a crucial role in bolstering civil society and promoting sustainable development.

The Naraqi’s Charity  also strives to meet the needs of vulnerable segments of society and contribute to sustainable development in Iran.

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ماهرخ زارع
ماهرخ زارع
2 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Establishing regular forums or platforms where government officials and NGO representatives can exchange ideas and collaborate on common goals can help build trust and mutual understanding

ماهرخ زارع
ماهرخ زارع
2 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Providing financial assistance, tax exemptions, or other incentives can help NGOs scale up their operations and make a more significant impact in the areas they serve.

محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
3 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

These organizations are often established by individuals, groups, or communities with a shared goal of making a positive impact on society

محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
3 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

prioritizing the well-being of marginalized individuals and fostering long-term growth, the foundation has made significant strides in creating a more inclusive and equitable society

محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
محمدرضا کاربر ناشناس
3 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs are typically formed to address gaps in society and operate in various fields, including education, healthcare, environmental protection, human rights, economic and social development, humanitarian aid, and other related areas

محمد کاربر ناشناس
محمد کاربر ناشناس
4 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Everybody knows that the government can't do everything.so we need some organozations made by people to help the humanity.fortunately naraghy charity is one of that organizations that is playing it's role very great.

ساسان اسماعیلی فرد
ساسان اسماعیلی فرد
5 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs have specific characteristics that distinguish them from other organizations. Thanks to Naraghi Charity

مهدی محمدپناه
مهدی محمدپناه
5 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

A non-governmental organization, or NGO, refers to organizations that operate independently from governments, with the primary goal of serving society, supporting human rights, promoting social, economic, and environmental development, and advancing democratic principles and social justice. These organizations are usually non-profit and are established and managed by private individuals or groups.

سهیل جعفر زاده
سهیل جعفر زاده
6 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

These non-profit organizations cannot be considered business and personal support" for them. These organizations strive for collective good and providing social security.

آرزو آقایی
آرزو آقایی
10 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGO play a crucial role in modern society by addressing issues that governments and businesses may not fully address, advocating for social change and providing essential services to undeserved populations . totally it was a great overview about NGO

نیلا یاری
نیلا یاری
11 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

the well-being of marginalized individuals and fostering long-term growth, the foundation has made significant strides in creating a more inclusive and equitable society

نیلا یاری
نیلا یاری
11 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

A non-governmental organization, or NGO, refers to organizations that operate independently from

نوشین احمدی
نوشین احمدی
12 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs are typically formed to address gaps in society and operate in various fields, including education, healthcare, environmental protection, human rights, economic and social development, humanitarian aid, and other related areas

مرضیه گلی پور
مرضیه گلی پور
14 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

prioritizing the well-being of marginalized individuals and fostering long-term growth, the foundation has made significant strides in creating a more inclusive and equitable society

مرضیه گلی پور
مرضیه گلی پور
14 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The Naraqi's Charity has been instrumental in catering to the needs of vulnerable populations in Iran while actively contributing to the nation's sustainable development

الهه ملکی
الهه ملکی
15 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Thanks to Ms. Nahaleh Naraghi's work for her effective actions towards the needy

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
17 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The commitment of organizations like Naraghi Charity to uplift vulnerable communities is truly inspiring

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
17 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Typically non-profit, NGOs are established and managed by private individuals or groups.

نوشین احمدی
نوشین احمدی
19 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

اهمیت روز افزون حقوق بشر و نقش جامعه مدنی در پیشرفت وضعیت انسان ها از یک جهت، تغییر نگاه حقوق بین الملل به جایگاه فرد از طرف دیگر، باعث گسترش سازمان های مردم نهاد در کل دنیا شده است. و با توجه به عرصه عمل مثبت آنها، ضرورت وجودشان بیش از پیش احساس می شود

19 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a vital role in improving the lives of people who have been affected by natural disasters or are facing other challenges

19 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Typically non-profit, NGOs are established and managed by private individuals or groups.

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
21 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often try to influence policies and laws that affect the communities they cover. By conducting advocacy activities, Semans raise awareness of important issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and social justice, and seek to create systemic changes that can improve people's lives on a larger scale

23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

/These organizations share the common goal of breaking the cycle of poverty and advocating for policies that increase access to quality care for marginalized populations.

23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs are instrumental in community development projects that aim to improve the quality of life for individuals and groups. These projects may include building schools, improving healthcare facilities, and providing vocational training to enhance employment opportunities.

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

These non-profit organizations operate independently from governments and work in various fields such as education, healthcare, environmental protection, and more.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

During natural disasters, conflicts, or other crises, charities are often at the forefront of providing immediate relief, recovery support, and long-term rehabilitation

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Charities inspire individuals and businesses to give back to society through donations, volunteering, and responsible business practices.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Charities help build resilient communities by providing essential resources, fostering social connections, and promoting self-sufficiency.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

By advocating for policy changes and raising awareness about important issues, charities contribute to shaping a more inclusive and equitable society

مسعود پیراسته
مسعود پیراسته
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

organizations do this by being independent from the government and being non-profit and on the way to specialization by using the knowledge and skills of experts. Thanks to the Naraghi family for this important matter.

الهه ملکی
الهه ملکی
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Long live your name and memory, who made kindness the top of your work

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
25 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

These organizations share the common goal of breaking the cycle of poverty and advocating for policies that increase access to quality care for marginalized populations.

علی صحرایی
علی صحرایی
25 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Institutional organizations do this by being independent from the government and being non-profit and on the way to specialization by using the knowledge and skills of experts. Thanks to the Naraghi family for this important matter.

سما طوقانی
سما طوقانی
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

including education, healthcare, environmental protection, human rights, economic and social

مهدی محمدپناه
مهدی محمدپناه
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs are typically formed to address gaps in society and operate in various fields, including education, healthcare, environmental protection, human rights, economic and social development, humanitarian aid, and other related areas.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
27 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Their contributions are vital to achieving sustainable development and promoting the well-being of people worldwide.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
27 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGOs play a crucial role in addressing pressing social, environmental, and humanitarian issues, complementing the efforts of governments and international organizations.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
27 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

These organizations are often established by individuals, groups, or communities with a shared goal of making a positive impact on society

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
27 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Organizations work to raise awareness and influence policy related to specific issues, such as climate change, human rights, or poverty.

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
27 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

سازمان‌های غیردولتی با پرداختن به مسائلی که دولت‌ها و کسب‌وکارها ممکن است به طور کامل به آن‌ها رسیدگی نکنند، حمایت از تغییرات اجتماعی و ارائه خدمات ضروری به جمعیت‌های فاقد ارزش، نقش مهمی در جامعه مدرن ایفا می‌کنند. این یک مرور کلی در مورد سازمان های غیردولتی بود. با تشکر از خیریه دکتر نراقی

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
28 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Non-governmental organizations work to achieve various goals and usually move towards advancing the social goals of the members.

علی صحرایی
علی صحرایی
28 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Thank you very much for your support and help

نوشین احمدی
نوشین احمدی
28 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

کمک‌های درمانی به بیماران خاص در حوزه سلامت

ناصر نخعی
ناصر نخعی
28 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way, if you let it

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
29 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Thank you for your help

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
29 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Non-governmental organizations and charities both play a fundamental role in addressing and fighting social challenges

نوشین احمدی
نوشین احمدی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Non-governmental organizations are independent and non-profit organizations that operate without government control and are often formed by individuals or groups of individuals with common interests and goals to address social, environmental, or humanitarian issues.

رضا محمد پناه
رضا محمد پناه
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

*NGO play a crucial role in modern society by addressing issues that governments and businesses may not fully address, advocating for social change and providing essential services to undeserved populations . totally it was a great overview about NGO . thanks to Naraghi's charity

رضا محمد پناه
رضا محمد پناه
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The Naraqi’s Charity, throughout its years of operation, has carried out effective actions such as providing educational and healthcare services to underprivileged areas, supporting orphaned and vulnerable children, and creating employment opportunities for those in need, all without government support.

مرضیه محمدی
مرضیه محمدی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

NGO play a crucial role in modern society by addressing issues that governments and businesses may not fully address, advocating for social change and providing essential services to undeserved populations . totally it was a great overview about NGO . thanks to Naraghi's charity

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