National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Celebrating the Adventurous World of Stories

Author :
Naraghi's Charity
Date: :
ژوئن 23, 2024
National Day of Children's and Young Adult Literature

Every year, the 9th of July in the Iranian calendar is recognized as the National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. This day provides a valuable opportunity to reflect on the importance of children’s and young adult literature and the significant role this precious treasure plays in nurturing the minds and souls of future generations.

The Importance of the National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature

The significance of this day lies in its focus on literature aimed at young audiences, which plays a crucial role in shaping the mindset and creativity of the younger generation. Children’s and young adult literature is not only important for reading and enjoying sweet and imaginative stories but also serves as an educational and developmental tool.

Below, we will explain the impact of reading on children and young adults.

The Impact of Reading on Children and Adolescents

Reading offers numerous benefits for children and adolescents. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

  • Development of Language and Vocabulary

Reading introduces children and adolescents to new words, expanding their vocabulary. This experience not only aids in the development of their language skills but also plays a crucial role in improving their academic performance. Learning new words and improving comprehension help children and adolescents communicate better in various educational settings and gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. This directly contributes to their academic progress and success.

  • Enhancement of Cognitive Skills

Reading books helps improve concentration, memory, and critical thinking. These skills are essential for advancement in learning and problem-solving in both academic and everyday life. Better concentration enables children and adolescents to participate more effectively in various activities and learn their lessons with greater precision. Additionally, improved memory aids them in retaining information better and utilizing it at the right time.

  • Development of Imagination and Creativity

Stories and content in books can stimulate children’s imagination and enhance their creativity. When children read or listen to various stories, they create mental images and design different characters and worlds. This process boosts their creativity, leading to the generation of unique and innovative ideas.

  • Improvement of Social and Emotional Skills

Books can help children and adolescents better understand the emotions and experiences of others, fostering greater empathy. By reading stories and seeing the diverse worlds of characters, children are able to clearly address social and ethical issues and improve their communication skills through experiencing different characters.

  • Increase in General Knowledge

Reading various books on different subjects can help increase the general knowledge of children and adolescents, making them more aware of the world around them. By reading a diverse range of books, children can gain insight into various topics, including history, geography, science, cultures, and other societies.

  • Boosting Motivation and Confidence

Children and adolescents who read more often experience greater confidence in academic and social settings. These experiences give them the self-assurance to trust themselves and their viewpoints, enabling them to participate effectively in conversations. Increased motivation is another benefit of reading, as progress in reading skills and comprehension encourages them to learn and explore various topics further.

The Right Time for Children’s Reading

Children benefit from reading books at any age. You don’t need to have a large personal library; you can use public libraries and find a wide range of books. You can even encourage your child to exchange books with their friends.

For children under 18 months, use books with simple and bold pictures. Reading the sentences is not necessary; instead, talk to your child about the pictures and pages in the book.

When children reach 7 to 12 months old, you can use books with photos and short sentences. For children aged 12 to 18 months, books featuring pictures of other children engaged in everyday activities are attractive.

As your child starts to talk, try to involve them in reading the book. For example, point to a picture and ask them what it is. If their answer is incorrect, don’t criticize them; instead, explain what it actually is and how it appears to you.

National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature: An Opportunity for Families

On this day, you can take simple yet effective actions to promote a culture of reading among children and adolescents and to instill high human and ethical values in them.

Some actions you can take to increase children’s interest in reading include:

  1. Visiting libraries and cultural centers with children and adolescents: Taking children and adolescents to libraries and cultural centers can be a great opportunity for them to access a variety of books and participate in various cultural programs such as storytelling, poetry readings, and puppet shows.
  1. Gifting age-appropriate books: Choosing books that match the interests and age level of children can increase their motivation to read.
  1. Getting to know children’s and young adult authors and poets: By doing this, we can enhance our knowledge of children’s and young adult literature and select more suitable books for our children.
  1. Storytelling: You can narrate ancient Iranian tales, legends, or imaginative stories to your children and ask them to play the role of a character in the story.
  2. Puppet show performance: Use puppets to enact a simple story for your children. This activity not only helps children become familiar with stories and different characters but also strengthens their communication skills and teamwork through puppet play.
  1. Reading competition: You can organize a reading competition among family members. In this competition, each person can choose their favorite books and earn points based on the number of pages read or the number of books completed.

Children’s and Young Adult Literature: A Window to Growth

National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature is an opportunity to strengthen emotional bonds within families and foster the creativity of future generations.

Reading books for children and adolescents is not just an entertaining activity but also a significant investment in their future. This activity helps enhance their language, cognitive, social, and emotional skills, preparing them to face life’s challenges. By promoting the habit of reading, we provide future generations with powerful tools for personal and academic growth and development.

Naraghi’s Charity also contributes to improving children’s and adolescents’ literacy levels by creating awareness of the importance of this matter. The educational activities of Naraghi’s Charity not only increase access to educational resources but also provide new opportunities for the personal and social growth of children and adolescents.

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آرزو قمی
آرزو قمی
4 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature is a special occasion dedicated to honoring the transformative power of stories in the lives of young readers. This day serves as a reminder of how literature can ignite imagination, foster empathy, and encourage a lifelong love of reading

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
12 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The book is the product of human experiences and mental creativity and long-term learning. The book's contribution in transferring knowledge is sometimes far more and beyond other educational tools

رسول استقامت
رسول استقامت
16 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The National Children's and Adolescent Literature Day, which has been registered in Iran's official calendar in recent years, is a seal of approval on the acceptance of the individual and social identity of Iranian children and adolescents as an effective audience.

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
17 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Gifting a book suitable for the age of children and teenagers: choosing books suitable for the interests and age group of children can increase their motivation to read.

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
17 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The book is very important in children's lives and their education, thanks to the charity of Dr. Naraghi, who cares about children's education.

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
21 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Reading children's books to young children improves their cognitive skills and helps their cognitive development process

23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Below, we will explain the impact of reading on children and young adults

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Reading books for children and adolescents is not just an entertaining activity but also a significant investment in their future

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature is an opportunity to strengthen emotional bonds within families and foster the creativity of future generations

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The significance of this day lies in its focus on literature aimed at young audiences, which plays a crucial role in shaping the mindset and creativity of the younger generation

ارزو آقایی
ارزو آقایی
23 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Thank you, Naraghi’s Charity, for your inspiring efforts to enhance literacy and create brighter futures for children and adolescents.

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
24 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

On this day, by taking simple but effective actions, you can help promote the culture of reading among children and teenagers, as well as promote high human and moral values in them

علی صحرایی
علی صحرایی
25 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Reading books and generally introducing children to books and making them feel this important work is important for their growth and empowerment, which affects their future environment.

مهناز اکبری
مهناز اکبری
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Books and book reading should be taught to your children from childhood so that they can be highly cultured people in adulthood

مهناز اکبری
مهناز اکبری
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Children's and adolescent literature and stories and poems written for these ages develop their mentality

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Pathology helps identify areas of improvement within charitable institutions, leading to better decision-making, resource allocation, and overall efficiency in achieving their goals

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Regular assessments of charitable organizations' operations and performance provide insights into their management, use of resources, and impact

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

This process helps ensure transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in achieving the intended social impact.

مائده گلی پور
مائده گلی پور
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Pathology, in this context, refers to the examination and analysis of the inner workings, structures, and processes of charitable organizations

علی صحرایی
علی صحرایی
26 روز قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Reading and teaching books to children from a young age has strengthened an element called sense in them so that they can better understand their surroundings. Thanks to the honorable charity of Mrs. Naraghi

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Perhaps if we recognize childishness as a natural human phenomenon in ourselves and others and allow it to emerge, we will both live richer and better be able to have a developing behavior towards children.

ماندانا برزگر
ماندانا برزگر
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Children's familiarity with books is a guarantee of the strength of upbringing and education of the future generation of a society.

آرزو آقایی
آرزو آقایی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

A book is a companion that does not make you tired. It is a friend who does not deceive you. And he is a friend who does not hurt you.

آرزو آقایی
آرزو آقایی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The book is the most honest, unexpected, useful and constant friend for every human being.

آرزو آقایی
آرزو آقایی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Reading and studying is one of the things that can develop the mind and character of people and it is always recommen

نوشین احمدی
نوشین احمدی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Imagination is an endless source for creating the wonderful and colorful world of children's literature. Literature that conveys deep human concepts to children with a simple and catchy language and introduces them to various emotions and feelings. In Iran's calendar, the 18th of July has been designated as the National Day of Children's and Adolescent Literature. The day that coincides with the death of "Mehdi Azarizdi", a well-known writer in the field of children and teenagers

مرضیه محمدی
مرضیه محمدی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

World Book Day is a celebration that is completely separate to this digital age, and it helps children to associate positivity and fun with reading. Aside from this, if we develop a love of reading when we are small then this attitude is more likely to persist throughout our lives.
Thanks to Dr.Naraghi's charity who cares about children's education

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

With all the importance of books and book reading and with all the sayings and hearsays that are given in the direction of paying attention to children's books and expanding the culture of reading, it seems that World Children's Book Day is lost and has no place in Iran's calendar.

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The purpose of naming a day as World Children's Book Day is to spread book culture and reading among children and teenagers in different countries of the world.

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Hans Christian Andersen is a children's story writer. From 1835 to 1872, he wrote a story for children every year

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Hans Christian Andersen is one of the best Danish writers and one of the best storytellers in the world. For this reason, the second of April equal to the thirteenth of Farvardin has been named International Children's Book Day.

علی ضیایی
علی ضیایی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Happy book and reading day to all dear children and students..

علی ضیایی
علی ضیایی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

In Iran, the 24th of Aban is named the day of books and reading books to be an excuse to promote the culture of reading books and increase the general literacy level of the society. A society that does not read books loses the ability to think and analyze and is ready to accept any lie, sedition. And he will know injustice.
Thanks to the respected charity of Dr. Naraghi, who are active in promoting reading and building classrooms and libraries.

محمد سلطانی
محمد سلطانی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

This is a wonderful piece highlighting the immense value of children's and young adult literature. It's inspiring to see Naraghi's Charity contributing to improving literacy levels among young people. By fostering a love for reading, we're investing in the future of our children.

1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

دنيا كوچك است و كارهاي دنيا بزرگ
خانواده نراقي كارهاي بزرگي در اين دنياي كوچك انجام دادن و دل هايي را شاد كردن بچه هايي را با سواد كردن كه اجر و پاداشش برايشان هميشه باقي مي ماند
دست مريزاد🌷👏

محمد سلطانی
محمد سلطانی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Children's familiarity with books is a guarantee of the strength of upbringing and education of the future generation of a society. Thank you to the esteemed benefactors of Dr. Naraghi who are paying attention to this matter

عبدالله کشاورز - کاربر حذف شده
عبدالله کشاورز - کاربر حذف شده
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

Children's familiarity with books is a guarantee of the strength of upbringing and education of the future generation of a society. Thank you to the esteemed benefactors of Dr. Naraghi who are paying attention to this matter

عبدالله کشاورز - کاربر حذف شده
عبدالله کشاورز - کاربر حذف شده
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The National Children's and Adolescent Literature Day is a good opportunity to familiarize children with books and an excuse to bring books into children's lives.

رمینا طالبلو
رمینا طالبلو
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The importance of reading is very high, especially in children

مهدی سلطان آبادی
مهدی سلطان آبادی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The things you are looking for are all in this world! But the only way a human being can see ninety-nine percent of them is in a book.

Professor Faber

مهدی سلطان آبادی
مهدی سلطان آبادی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

A book is a companion that does not make you tired. It is a friend who does not deceive you. And he is a friend who does not hurt you.

مهدی سلطان آبادی
مهدی سلطان آبادی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

If children cannot read and have no skills for the job market, the economic arm of society alone cannot do anything. If children do not know how to use computers or are ignorant of the world of technology; The economy will have no benefit for them except for the minimum possible income. It is only education that assures our children that they too can have a place in this day and age.

Kavlin Powell

پیام حسنی راد
پیام حسنی راد
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

"July 9th in the Iranian calendar is designated as National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. This day underscores the vital role of literature in developing young minds and highlights its importance in enriching the lives of future generations."

پیام حسنی راد
پیام حسنی راد
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

"Every year, the 9th of July in the Iranian calendar is celebrated as National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. This day highlights the importance of literature in shaping young minds and emphasizes its crucial role in nurturing future generations."

الهه ملکی
الهه ملکی
1 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

شاید بهترین سخنگو در جهان کسی باشد که به دیگران کمک می کند

الهه ملکی
الهه ملکی
2 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

People who care about books and reading are among the smartest people

پیام حسنی راد
پیام حسنی راد
2 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

"Each year on July 9th in the Iranian calendar, we celebrate National Day of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. This day highlights the vital role of literature in shaping the minds and hearts of future generations, emphasizing its importance in nurturing young readers and fostering their development.

الهه ملکی
الهه ملکی
2 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

نباشد همی نیک و بد، پایدار
همان بِه که نیکی بُوَد یادگار

دراز است دست فلک بر بدی
همه نیکویی کن اگر بِخرَدی

چو نیکی کنی، نیکی آید برت
بدی را بدی باشد اندر خورَت

حمید بیات
حمید بیات
2 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

دنیای کودکان یعنی دنیای باور و باور به آنچه می فهمند و می پذیرند پس مطالعه زیاد می تواند در این مهم مفید باشد.

حمید بیات
حمید بیات
2 ماه قبل
چه امتیازی به این پست میدین؟ :

The National Children's and Adolescent Literature Day, which has been registered in Iran's official calendar in recent years, is a seal of approval on the acceptance of the individual and social identity of Iranian children and adolescents as an effective audience.

افکار شما را دوست داریم، لطفا نظر دهید.x